
world of cells. :)

two things we basically know about cells: it can be found in all living things and being the basic unit of life. it is the basic unit of life as it composes tissues, then tissues composes organs, and so on. it can be found in all living things. name all living things. you can see each tiny microscopic thingies that moves in it. cell, that’s it.

what others might not know is that bacteria is different with animal cell. bacteria are the prokaryotic cells or the cells that have no true nucleus. other than bacteria, also an example of this type of cell is the virus. on the other hand, animal cells are the eukaryotic cells or the cells that have true nucleus. not only animal cells are its example, but also plant cells.

there are many parts of the cell. three of them are the most basic parts: cell membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm. cell membrane acts as the protector or the barrier from foreign bodies to enter in the cell and holds the cell contents together. they may be the city limits or the borders of the city. the nucleus is the control center or the brain of the cell. it acts as the city hall. cytoplasm is the the special environment inside the cell. it depicts the whole place in the city with the atmosphere and everything. other parts or organelles are too many. one of them is the ribosomes which act as the protein synthesizers in the cell. another is the mitochondrion (pl: mitochondria) that is the power house or the MERALCO of the cell. then, Golgi apparatus is the next that is the packaging center in the cell or the cargo forwarders in the cell. in addition, there is the lysosomes which is the janitor of the cell as it cleans up the cell and at the same time, it is the suicidal bags of cell as it destroys unwanted bacteria. they are more commonly known as the LEONEL Waste Management in cell. centrosomes are next on the line as they replace old structures with new ones or they are more commonly called as the DPWH in the cell. what’s next is the vacuoles or the water storage in the cell as it was also known as Nawasa. last but not the least is the endoplasmic reticulum. endo’ reticulum are the channels that transport proteins. but this part are categorized into two: smooth ER and rough ER. rough ER has ribosomes attached to it while smooth ER has none.

if cell has many parts, nucleus has also parts. there includes nuclear membrane and nucleolus. nuclear membrane protects the nucleus, like the cell membrane. it looks like the guards before you enter the city hall. on the other hand, nucleolus handles the synthesis of the RNA or the ribonucleic acid that forms ribosomes. nucleolus acts as the mayor’s office or the legislative section in the city hall because they formulate laws for the orderliness and peace of the city.

how would i explain this lesson to someone who doesn’t know the topic?

--simple. realization. that’s it. what i’ll do is like this way: after introducing the part, it will be related as if it is the one that we see every day of our lives. as an example, nucleus will be like the city hall as its work is to control the whole cell.

what should i could have the teacher done to improve the discussion of the topic?

--if i were the teacher, i will use certain presentations that will characterize the topic in real-life basis meaning instead of creepy thingies were there, it will present different types of buildings but will be labeled as the parts of the cell. in this way, students will understand the way how parts work and they will appreciate the cells as easier lesson, not as horrible ones.

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