
mitosis: a process.

mitosis. everybody might not know what this word really means. everybody might have no idea at all of what it do in our bodies.

mitosis is a cycle. this is the cycle for most eukaryotic cells. mitosis begins when the early prophase or the disappearing of nuclear membrane and formation of important structures for mitosis starts. then, the late prophase or the pairing up of the centrioles and creating different organelles are next. after the prophase times, the transition to metaphase happens or the formation of spindle apparatus. next in the line is the metaphase where chromosomes align at the center of the cell. afterward, anaphase comes next in which chromosomes split and the spindle fibers pull them apart. after anaphase, telophase will not be the last as the chromosomes go to the far end of the cell, the spindle disappears and the nuclei and cytoplasmic division reappears.

in this process, you can think of it as pulling something away from each other. first, you ready your energy for the pulling motion later. then you try to align them at the center of you so that the same force will be made. after aligning, you try to pull them against each other. and when they were already apart, you fix them to the way they used to be before you pulled them.

how would i explain this lesson to someone who doesn’t know the topic?

--compare it to what we see and tell them how it works. then, with those, students can understand systematically the topic. at the same time, students will be informed about what things are commonly the same with the way how mitosis was done.

what should i could have the teacher done to improve the discussion of the topic?

--since this topic is a bit tough, it is strongly recommended that teachers must have different illustrations, and interactive activities so that they would graphically see how the process goes.

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