
sense what i sense. :D

happihaphap. :))

next on the famous list of the systems is what we call the special sense. why system? i don't know. haha. :DD anyway. special senses are primarily discussed way back several years ago when we are in our elementary days. but no difficult parts, just basic. special senses are those we need to gather specific information that our brain helps interpreting. btw. there are two different types of senses: cutaneous and visceral. cutaneous for what we feel (pain, cold) and visceral for our daily metabolism (thirst, hunger). also, i just realized that there are two names for the parts of the ear and they are a little bit confusing since i hate memorization. :D i also learned here the diseases of the eye and ear. i discovered deeper the problems of the eye that my mom had when she was young. :) thanks, biology. :))


sir manalo told us that this would be the easiest of all the systems we ever had. :p but my suggestion would be a more realistic way of showing how things work and how they are placed in our body. :))


if i were the teacher, i'll just take what sir manalo said.. :)


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