
gulp swallow. :D


gastrointestinal system is composed of mouth, teeth, tongue, salivary glands, esophagus, pharynx, stomach, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, small intestine, large intestine and anus. some of the organs are called the accessory organs because they take part of the digestive process by not entering into them. they are teeth, salivary glands, liver, pancreas, and gall bladder. anyway. i got this interesting because this is the system that goes with my favorite pasttime: eating. okay okay. the digestive process starts with ingestion of food. ingestion is the process of intake of food in the mouth. mastication takes place when the mechanical churning of food by the use of teeth. the food turns into bolus, a ball-like structure of food. when bolus was transported into the stomach, digestion or chemical churning of food happens. in this part, bolus will become chyme, the milky substance of food. when it goes through the small intestine, secretion happens. it is secretion because certain hormones are produced in order to get the nutrients from the food taken. when the nutrients are absorbed and the chyme is transported to the large intestine. it performs the process of absorption. in this stage, the large intestine absorbs the excess water in the chyme, and therefore turns into feces. when it goes to the anus, they execute excretion or disposal of waste products.


honestly, i understood this because of reading, not because of the one who reported this stuff. i found deficiencies in his report. but then, i liked how sir answers our question and at the same time, to simplify the topic into an easier one.


if i were to teach this, i would use pipes here. :) easy demonstration. :D


immunity. :D


lymphatic system. hmm. it is a system, along with the immune system, that helps the body to be immune and protect from various diseases, viruses and bacteria. well. there are two kinds of immunity: innate and adaptive. innate is the first line defense, but it couldn't remember what it had attacked before so it might attack our own healthy cells. :) adaptive, on the other hand, take care of the viruses and bacteria if innate haven't killed them. they remember what they had previously attacked, so they are capable of knowing what to do about those viruses they have experienced. well, there is a substance called lymph fluid that looks blood for me and goes around the body. it goes this way: blood to tissue to lymphatic capillaries to lymphatic vessels to lymph nodes to lymphatic vessels to lymphatic trunks to collecting ducts to subclavian veins and circulates again. and wait, there's more. :) there are some components that helps immunizing the body. they are barriers, cells, inflammation and fever. i want to focus more on cells because of the white blood cells. there are different kinds of white blood cells. wait. let's divide WBCs. it can be like this:

WBC - polymorphonuclear granulocyte - neutrophils
mast cells

WBC - agranulocyte - monocytes - macrophages
dendritic cells

WBC - agranulocyte - lymphocytes - natural killer cells
T lymphocytes
B lymphocytes


almost same explanation as what i have done in cardiovascular. the difference is that there's no pumping station [heart.] :)


if i were the teacher, i would give some interactive and educational clips and games so that it would be nice to be done not only for the students, but also for the teacher so that it will not be BORING. :)